Embedding information in random bit sequences while maintaining certified randomness

Jim Cheetham jim at gonzul.net
Sun Aug 29 05:17:13 BST 2021

That's interesting; but at one level all it tells us is that the NIST test
suite can't detect long-range patterns in modern large files. Some of the
tests in https://tsapps.nist.gov/publication/get_pdf.cfm?pub_id=906762 (SP
800-22) are defined to use only a small number of bits (the largest seem to
be around 1 million bits), rather than perhaps a proportion of the overall
data ...

It may be that the whole industry of testing an RNG like a blackbox by
looking at the output alone is somewhat technically lacking, but of course
that's probably one of the reasons we're here on this mailing list.

The link you provided for that nice stereogram didn't resolve, do you have
another reference for it? Sounds like perhaps an interesting talk :-)

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