"Free-Form" electronics

Jim Cheetham jim at gonzul.net
Wed Jun 10 23:56:40 BST 2020

Here's an example of something I'd like to see more of ...

"What is Freeduino? It's a famous Arduino UNO board made without any
circuit board. It uses a technique called free-form to interconnect
components by wires instead of a circuit board. And it looks beautiful!"

There have been many examples of completely dis-integrated circuits around
for a while, things like the https://monster6502.com/ look good, and as a
software hack I'm enjoying the breadboard computing from
https://eater.net/6502 as well (yes, I had a BBC micro as a kid so I like

One of our OneRNG design principles was to promote the visual inspection of
the device, to make it big enough and clear enough to check rather than
what was a habit at the time to have a tiny component embedded in a blob of
something opaque. Perhaps we've done enough already, but I still like the
awkwardly large example of that 'Freeduino' :-)

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