[onerng talk] Trying to access onerng from python on mac

Paul Campbell paul at taniwha.com
Tue Feb 18 21:42:15 GMT 2020

On Wednesday, 19 February 2020 10:32:41 AM NZDT tmp543901 at buckeye-express.com 
> I have no idea how the mac drivers work so I don't know if following
> the generic linux operation commands will work from a terminal
> window but you can try - http://moonbaseotago.com/onerng/#Generic -
> (realize that your device probably won't show as /dev/ttyACMx and that
> some of that documentation is different or doesn't apply at all for mac)

Yes I have actually accessed a OneRNG from a MacOS terminal emulator it gets a 
very long name - the best way to figure out which is to have a look at the 
available serial ports -  then plug in the OneRNG - look at the list again and 
open the new device that has just appeared (I'm sure there's a MacOS API for 
finding particular USB devices that will help you automate this).

But in general treat it as a serial port, set the baud rate to 152000 
(shouldn't really matter), 8 bit,  no flow control, no echo, raw - just typing 
"O" should start data flowing (if not try "o0O" lowercase-o, zero,uppercase-O)


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