[onerng talk] Dieharder Test Failed with 256MB/512MB samples

Victor Sun (孫國偉) Victor.Sun at econet-inc.com
Thu Oct 4 12:08:35 BST 2018

Hi Paul:

Sorry, the mail be cut by itself.

I will try to kill rngd and test again

I try to do this before.
Insert OneRNG
stty -F /dev/ttyACM0 raw -echo clocal -crtscts dd if=/dev/ttyACM0 of=/media/sf_Downloads/OneRNG bs=256 count=4M iflag=fullblock & But I forgot to record it

I will try your suggestion again.
Thank you very much.

And I have some questions.
How to verify the TRNG device is good or not.
I only use dieharder to verify.
Is there other software or method?

Does an good TRNG device need NIST800-22 and AIS-31 LOGO or not?

Best Regards,
    Victor Sun

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