Using OneRNG to affect Windows entropy

redneonglow danq at
Sun Aug 26 05:50:36 BST 2018

A much better idea (and likely one with better impact, per the articles above) would probably to use curl along with the WinOneRNG rnd daemon. As executables, both can be hidden under Task Scheduler.

You will need WinOneRNG's rnd, as well as the latest version of Windows curl:

I will come up with a tutorial once I'm sure, but a general idea is to use Task Scheduler to start rnd hidden, and then on a regular basis:

curl.exe --limit-rate 1k --max-time 1800 --output nul

This would be off-sync from Task Scheduler, so there would be several curl instances running at once.

It's late and I'm fighting an infection in my finger, plus I'm not entirely sure if I set Task Scheduler up right yet, so I can't really come up with a tutorial now. But that's basically it. You can still use the batch file when you start Windows.

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