[onerng talk] Onerng v2 external at Moonbase Otago is out of stock

Paul Campbell paul at taniwha.com
Mon May 16 09:30:21 BST 2016

On Monday, 16 May 2016 8:17:14 PM NZST vayup wrote:
> Hello Paul,
> Just wanted to check if you're still on track for getting onerng external in
> May? ――

sadly no - my trip to China is dependent on my next kickstarter which it turn 
depends on a ready supply of Raspberry PI Zeros - which may happen soon, but 
not that soon.

I've been thinking of starting a OneRNG build now (we need to get more shields 
built first) and may have to make an early trip because this is taking too 
long. However I can't finish it until I'm there - I don't trust anyone else to 
do the final programming step


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