[onerng talk] /etc/init.d/rng-tools: Cannot find a hardware RNG device to use.

Paul Campbell paul at taniwha.com
Fri Jun 12 01:38:13 BST 2015

On Fri, 12 Jun 2015 12:33:15 Jason Lewis wrote:
> Ah, I think I got the order wrong and inserted the OneRNG before setting up
> those tools. Removing and reinserting it seems to have fixed it.
> entropy_available now hovers around 2000 on my machine and if I cat
> /dev/random to /dev/null, it reduces to 0 but instantly returns to ~2000
> once I stop the cat process
> For comparison, without OneRNG entropy available hovers at around 800 or so
> on my machine and takes a minute or two to recover from 0.

that sounds about right it cat is sucking data at speed and emptying the 
kernel entropy buffer rngd/onerng rush to backfill the buffer which means cat 
wakes up and empties stuff as you go - onerng has its own internal entropy 
buffer (~7k) that is continually being updated even when you're not accessing 
it you'll notice the LED dim as that empties and refills.

I think the definitive test is to use something like dd that tells you how 
much data was copied from /dev/random over what time


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