[onerng talk] Putting Inf Noise on Tindie in non-competitive way?

Paul Campbell paul at taniwha.com
Thu Oct 30 20:09:50 GMT 2014

On Fri, 31 Oct 2014 08:52:55 Peter Gutmann wrote:
> Paul Campbell <paul at taniwha.com> writes:
> >I would really encourage designers to avoid the FTDI serial chips at the
> >moment - largely because of the whole issue of counterfeit devices and
> >FTDI's recent complete over reaction to the problem
> The problem with this is that the most common alternative to FTDI is the
> crappy Prolific PL2303 and its even crappier Chinese clones.  No matter how
> bad FTDI gets, it'll still be better than Prolific.

or as I said (and as I do) roll your own - the OneRNG uses a CDC interface 
stack, derived vaguely from some TI code, but I more commonly use an open 
source stack running on cheap atmel devices (A90U162s),  Arduinos shifted from 
FTDI chips to something similar (based on a branch from roughly the same 
source) a few years ago


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