[onerng talk] Some interesting associated projects

Paul Campbell paul at taniwha.com
Thu May 29 04:55:37 BST 2014

On Thu, 29 May 2014 15:49:29 Josh Datko wrote:
> On my growing todo list is developing a kernel module that will allow the
> random command from these devices (over I2C) to be mixed into the entropy
> pool.

just provide a read only character driver - the stanbdard  rngd app will do 
everything for you in user space

> Anyway, I'm looking forward to reading more about your project.

We haven't released yet, betas are available for those who'll genuinely use 
them, prototype docs are at


I think everything open is the way to go, no secrets - I use a TI part too, 
but won't touch their embedded crypto because we can't reasonably verify it


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