<div dir="ltr">
<pre>><i> I’ll put that away in the memory bank to pull out just after I spend three
</i>><i> days rediscovering the same thing.
</i>><i> Doing anything interesting?
</i>><i> Andy
<br></i></pre><pre>You may remember the 3-phase power monitor I built using 4 Arduino Nanos. It had 1 Nano monitoring V&I on each phase and a 4th collecting the data via I2C & presenting it to my home network using an Ethernet over mains adaptor.<br>Well Ethernet over mains is patchy at best in my home, I suspect the power line comms used by the solar is clashing.<br>I recently started playing with ESP8266s in the form of the Wemos D1 mini & Wemos D1 R1 (* see note below). I am a fan. These provide more resources & an easier/more stable network connection so out goes the network Nano.<br></pre><pre>Long story short: There is now just one Nano doing all the measurements. When the data changes it pulls an ESP pin low (** more notes below), the ESP then performs an I2C master read.<br></pre><pre>* Tips on Wemos D1 R1 IO<br>Some Adruino header pins marked with a * below are paralleled and driven by one device pin.<br>The state of some IO pins can prevent the ESP8266 booting.<br>// D1R1 pin ESP8266 Pin Notes<br>// D0 GPIO3 RX High on boot<br>// D1 GPIO1 TX High on boot, fails if low<br>// D2 GPIO16 High on boot<br>// D3 * GPIO5 SCL <br>// D4 * GPIO4 SCA <br>// D5 * GPIO14 <br>// D6 * GPIO12 <br>// D7 * GPIO13 <br>// D8 GPIO0 Pulled high. boot fails if low<br>// D9 GPIO2 Pulled high. boot fails if low<br>// D10 GPIO15 Pulled low. boot fails if high<br>// D11 * GPIO13 <br>// D12 * GPIO12 <br>// D13 * GPIO14 <br>// D14 * GPIO4 SCA <br>// D15 * GPIO5 SCL <br><br>** Needs a 5V/3V level shifter <a href="https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32780195206.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.27424c4dbvVVOl">https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32780195206.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.27424c4dbvVVOl</a></pre>