At our last meeting Hanno mentioned compatibility with Vex in relation to his new TBot, and yesterday coincidentally I received a phone call from Chris Hamling at Vex who is organising a national schools robotics competition under the banner of Kiwibots, but not in relation to our club which we advertise as Kiwibots. Some of you may have seen the TV coverage of their competition last month. See <a href=""></a> Presumably they did not bother to google the name before adopting it.<br>
<br>Chris Hamling hopes to visit Christchurch in the near future and would like to meet with local robot enthusiasts, especially those of school age, or teachers who would be interested sending teams to a regional final. I'll keep everyone posted and publish a date, time and venue to meet when we have one.<br>
<br>I have not found any competition rules published for NZ, I'm particularly trying to figure out any association between the competition and Vex parts. Their mission "To inspire a passion for Science and Technology" is excellent.<span style="font-size: 12pt;"><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 255);"></span></span><br>
<br>Any thoughts welcome.<br><br>Richard Jones (also copied to Chris Hamling <a href=""></a> )<br>