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Perhaps we can get a few people together to do some Arduino hacking in the afternoon? There are normally a few Arduino users along and I know there is quite a bit of interest in wearable electronics and the LilyPad Arduino (<A HREF="http://www.sparkfun.com/commerce/product_info.php?products_id=9266.">http://www.sparkfun.com/commerce/product_info.php?products_id=9266</A>)<A HREF="http://www.sparkfun.com/commerce/product_info.php?products_id=9266.">.</A><BR>
You can use my Arduino for an hour or two - I can do some soldering or building instead!<BR>
On Thu, 2009-06-25 at 18:53 +1200, .c|A wrote:
That sounds like fun, I'll come along if I'm able (maybe not at 10am
though :)) I'm the guy with the netbook in a book cover that was there
a few weeks ago
I'd like to chat about Arduinos with someone sometime anyway - I'm
quite new to them, but they look so easy to use that I'm writing a
shopping list for Mindkits/Sparkfun :) I'd like to strap a bunch of
Arduinos and sensors to myself and explore the possibilities of
wearable computing. So perhaps there's some crossover with sensors on
cnawan, Vaughan
On 6/25/09, Morris <<A HREF="mailto:skibear@gmail.com">skibear@gmail.com</A>> wrote:
> Who is keen on doing some robot hacking on this Sunday and next Sunday?
> 10AM till lateish?
> If possible discuss on <A HREF="mailto:chchspace@googlegroups.com">chchspace@googlegroups.com</A> (sign up if you
> haven't - <A HREF="http://chchspace.nztech.org/)">http://chchspace.nztech.org/)</A>
> Options:
> * You could bring your own robot bits
> * I could help someone that want to do the electronics/mechanics but use
> python and an arduino for control.
> * You could help me (see below!)
> * Just come along and do some other stuff! (Normal chch creative space).
> * I have second hand motors and batteries I can sell for what I paid for
> them - $1 each. I have about 10 each of : 20W motors, 7.2Volt 1500mAh
> NiMH batteries, and 12Volt SLA/VRLA batteries which were 800mAh new but
> I guess wont be near that now.
> * I would love some criticism of what I have been doing!
> Following pdf has excellent information and links to projects using the
> WL520gU for hardware projects:
> <A HREF="http://mightyohm.com/files/wifiradio/Jeff_Keyzer-Hacking_the_Asus_WL520gU.pdf">http://mightyohm.com/files/wifiradio/Jeff_Keyzer-Hacking_the_Asus_WL520gU.pdf</A>
> Cheers, Morris
> Developing a wifi remote controlled robot that can be controlled by a
> GUI. Using browser e.g. Internet Explorer on Windows, or Safari on
> iPhone). General design can be used to control any actuators or read
> many sensors (e.g. USB devices!) but is only suitable if you are not
> trying to make a "micro" sized robot (and is not good a good fit if you
> want robot to be alive for many hours without recharging -- unless you
> use a car battery!).
> Progress on the following design:
> 1. Dumb Duemilanove/Arduino microcontroller
> * So far have used pyduino (running on the router) to do PWM control
> of an LED, and reading a micro-switch. Just done using command line
> using example.py that comes with pyduino to select input/output pin and
> watch results.
> * ATMEGA328 connected to router using USB (FTDI serial
> communications).
> * Installed firmata onto arduino (standard sketch that comes with
> arduino.cc build tools). <A HREF="http://www.firmata.org">www.firmata.org</A>
> * Running pyduino to control firmata code.google.com/p/pyduino
> Treat microcontroller as dumb device (no C code required!).
> * Super simple to read analogue inputs too (haven't yet tested).
> * There is firmata code for controlling servos too (I want to get
> that going soon but I would like help).
> * Later on will be <$10 using cheaper ATMEGA chips with veroboard or
> simple PCB. Current board is $65 but only one evening's work to get it
> up and running using USB so worth it!
> * Later can use cheap serial connection ($5 USB, or maybe connect to
> interal 3.3V serial port of the router)
> 2. wireless router running Linux and Python scripts.
> * Router is to be the main brains of robot. Currently testing Python
> scripting (controlling an Arduino - fun!) but intend to use Python web
> server for GUI interface and Ajax (so can control robot from web page
> using mouse and keyboard).
> * Asus WL-520GU wireless router USB 2.0. Costs $86 from
> <A HREF="http://www.cbcnz.com/product_info.php/products_id/146191">http://www.cbcnz.com/product_info.php/products_id/146191</A> on corner
> Fitzgerald and Kilmore - they have them in stock. Maybe a little cheaper
> from AKL.
> * Running OpenWRT Linux from <A HREF="http://www.openwrt.org">www.openwrt.org</A> - Kamikaze 8.09.1
> version using kernel version 2.4 (tftp the file
> <A HREF="http://kamikaze.openwrt.org/8.09.1/brcm-2.4/openwrt-brcm-2.4-squashfs.trx">http://kamikaze.openwrt.org/8.09.1/brcm-2.4/openwrt-brcm-2.4-squashfs.trx</A>
> into the unit).
> * Running Python installed to a 1GB USB stick (because I wanted the
> full version not python-mini and standard 4MB flash not big enough for
> full version).
> * wireless working well.
> * super easy to add and remove packages from the unit using opkg.
> * the internal flash is mounted as a flash drive and you can just
> edit individual files or upload them.
> * USB is not true 2.0 speeds due to 200MHz CPU hitting 100% at
> relatively low speeds.
> * Kernel 2.6 available but broadcom driver is apparently not stable
> so wifi performance bad.
> * Haven't started on web server stuff - but not expecting anything
> difficult. Could also use the internal luci (Lua script) web server if
> have to.
> * Using USB hub so can also plug in USB memory and Duemilanove at
> same time.
> 3. Electronics
> * What I intend to work on this Sunday! Any help or criticism would
> be appreciated.
> * Or I would love to just use the router and Duemilanove with your
> electronics&mechanisms (then I can work on Python control control code
> or web server instead!)
> * Planning to wire up motor driver electronics Sunday - got $10
> L298N dual 3A motor driver which is super simple to use.
> * Got 7.2V and 12V batteries but no proper chargers yet. (ideally do
> using arduino!)
> * Got some switches and other sensors.
> * $8 USB sound card (still to arrive from AKL) - need simple
> amplifier for speakers (maybe use microphone?).
> * Intending to play with a USB webcam (maybe use microphone?).
> 4. Mechanics
> * Tried motors and wheels. Goes fine with 12V and fast with 24V!
> * Currently just hacked together badly (wire and random junk).
> * Investigated places to get Aluminium framework "meccano
> compatible" for a flexible framework that can be quickly cut and
> screwed. Would be best if can share costs.
> * Got some Servos and intend to use some mecanno to make an arm.
> >
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