Hi,<br>I'm looking for a:<br>- cheap (ideally <$5 with less than 5 parts)<br>- low voltage (battery powered, so 6-8Volt)<br>- high current (nominal ~500mA, but spikes to 1 or 2 Amps)<br>H-bridge to drive a geared "rc car" motor. <br>
<br>This must be a common problem for hobbyists, but I can't find a discrete component that fits the bill. I've tried L293 and L298 which are cheap, ok on current, but terrible for low voltage- since they eat 2 Volts- which also heats them up over time.<br>
<br>I'm reasonably happy with the LMD18200T, but at $14, it's not cheap, and with a minimum voltage of 12 volts, it doesn't do low voltage.<br><br>Mass-manufactured items, like toy robots, seem to make their own h-bridges using FET's - is that the solution?<br>