[chbot] Robotics Group meeting, 5 Idris Rd, 6-30pm, Monday 17 June 2024 report

Mark Atherton markaren1 at xtra.co.nz
Mon Jun 17 10:54:56 BST 2024

Hello everyone,

Good turnout with 24 attendees, and lots of huddles-of tech-talk. $38 + 
change (in gold, and flat-money) collected and transferred into the 
robotics loose-change jar (for later banking).

All sales from the trading table should go into the brown box on the 
wall, and are directly for the benefit of our host club, Christchurch 
Amateur Radio Club, NZART Branch 05.

Equipment donations are welcome for the trading table, but no CRT based 
product, printers, toner or items that are likely to be a disposal burden.

With thanks on behalf of the group,

Mark Atherton


Work on the Experimental Noize FXcore DSP board continues. Adding 
digital audio input and outputs have stretched the requirements for the 
User Interface CPU to the point that the original SOIC 8 part has been 
replaced with a 24 pin QFN package 4x4mm on a 0.4mm pitch. Having a 
single pin (UPDI) programming interface significantly eases design over 
the traditional Atmel 6 pin programming interface. The FT260 USB bridge 
in the original design was only used to program the DSP, it is now 
planned to serve triple duty for DSP programming, CPU programming, and 
ASYNC comms to the CPU using switchable config EEPROMs.

Spark Gaps. Ecotech were recently stripping some MIG/TIG welders, and 
several PCBs were spotted with adjustable spark-gaps. They appear to be 
used as an EHT trigger devices associated with the arc-start mechanism. 
This is a simple, if not clever way of ensuring a very fast rise-time of 
the required pulse.

Russel talked about his adventures with a Solar Power Optimizer.

Michael talked about his home-made plasma cutter.

Andy G talked about his MeshTastic project. He also talked about 
progress on his tractor electrification project.

Darren talked about his experiences installing an open source OS on his 

Interesting YouTube content:

Pacific Northwest Hillbilly goes shopping at an auction and unexpectedly 
returns with a NOS 70-year old ROLLS-ROYCE crate engine 

Chris Hadfield wrings out a wet paper towel while in the ISS. 

Trust nothing youtube.com/watch?v=BkAjoeBWPc4 adding voice to AI 
generated movies. Amazing.

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