[chbot] Rigol DS1052E Encoders

Marshland Engineering marshland at marshland.co.nz
Sun Jun 2 01:28:18 BST 2024

My oscilloscope has become almost unusable. The encoders are just not working
correctly and jumping all over the place.
(I realized that you are all very smart so I have to correct the above) 

The encoders are just not working correctly and the signal is jumping all over
the place.  GEEK STUFF HAHA See below. 

There are a few posts but the solution varies, Firmware downgrade, New
encoders and remove grease from encoders. 

Thinking about it now, as they were working and now in time could have
deteriorated, the grease may be an option. 

I'm sure others here have had similar problems with their encoders and what
did you do about it?

If you have a Rigol and did replace the encoders what and where did you get
them ? 

Soo frustrating. 

PS I have been diagnosed with both Autism and ADHD at 66. Now a lot of my life
has started to make sense. 

If you want to take the test, (business owners and engineers are high on the
scale)  try




I say this, as one of the ways you find out about being autistic, is a
complete melt down/burnout. That was me last year. Really not very pleasant
but I have learned a lot about myself.

Cheers Wallace.  


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