[chbot] Anyone had experience with Adafruit MAX98357 I2S Class-D Mono Amp

hamster hamster at snap.net.nz
Tue Jul 23 05:26:58 BST 2024

Hi Andrew

I've played with a few I2S things before. Usually they are pretty 
painless but some have a 'mode' setting, and most of the I2S peripherals 
in microcontrollers support various different formats.

That one seems to have a weird 'mode' (L, R, L+R) and gain settings that 
controlled through voltages on two pins. It might do weird things if 
these are left floating.


The simplest way to know for sure what is going on is to put a Logic 
Analyzer on the I2S bus and see what the data stream looks like. It the 
stream isn't valid no amount of tweaking will make it work.

Oh, and if you ware building the audio stream in software, you might 
have a signed vs offset binary issue vs unsigned issue. it is save to 
assume that I2S values signed, and transmitted MSB first.


On 2024-07-23 09:33, Andrew Sands wrote:
> Hi Listdwellers,
> As the subject states, I'm experimenting with a Adafruit MAX98357 I2S 
> Class-D Mono Amp module connected to a HUZZAH ESP8266.
> I'm getting a whole lot of static and not a lot of what I would call 
> audio. I'm probably going to change my breadboard layout.
> I was seeking comments from others that may have been using this 
> chipset?
> Thanks and regards,
> Andrew Sands
> (022)681 6655
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