[chbot] Robotics Group meeting, 5 Idris Rd, 6:30pm, Mon 16 Dec 2024 report

Mark Atherton markaren1 at xtra.co.nz
Mon Dec 16 08:35:35 GMT 2024

Hello everyone,

Good turnout with 26 attendees, and lots of huddles-of tech-talk. $44 + 
change (in gold, and flat-money) collected and transferred into the 
robotics loose-change jar (for later banking).

All sales from the trading table should go into the brown box on the 
wall, and are directly for the benefit of our host club, Christchurch 
Amateur Radio Club, NZART Branch 05.

Equipment donations are welcome for the trading table, but no CRT based 
product, printers, toner or items that are likely to be a disposal burden.

Merry Christmas and hope to see you all next year.

Best wishes, Mark Atherton


Mark talked about the incredibly simple single wire programming 
interface (UDPI) for the ATtiny402 series of processor.

He also talked about a mechanical solution to controlling a BLDC motor 
using a modified mechanical rotary switch assembly

Andy talked about his latest cornhole game, as well as a selection of 
soldering irons he purchased from Aliexpress

Michael talked about his $100, 50MHz porta-scope ZOYI ZT-703S

Richard (new guy) talked about his extensive experience using ChatGPT 
every day.

Andy Gardener talked about his fork-lift project, and machine soon to be 

Robin Gilks talked about buying a hot plate, and associated adventure.

Darren talked about a web-cam he explored via a console channel.

Interesting stuff on YouTube:

Home assembled AI guided, 1.5kW solid-state CW LASER that can destroys 
moving targets. AI is based on YOLO, with hand-crafted training elements 
by Chris Evagora

I Cloned My Own Voice to Waste Telemarketer's Time

Converting an electric golf-cart to petrol

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