[chbot] Dangerous Lights

Volker Kuhlmann list57 at top.geek.nz
Mon May 15 13:02:38 BST 2023

On Mon 15 May 2023 22:10:28 NZST +1200, Peter Riedinger wrote:

> I just did a quick search and found :
> https://www.commerce.wa.gov.au/announcements/warning-about-dangerous-christmas-lights-after-electric-shock-injury

Gee, they look just like the ones I brought in...

I find that warning a tad astonishing though.

"The plug top pins are not insulated"

Do they have any *real* problems or what?!?? </sarcasm>

"the thin cable has notches in it that compromise the insulating
properties of the wire"

Pardon me, what insulating properties??? It doesn't have any, it's not
mains rated in the first place, which is the real problem: no suitable
insulation on the 240V ac wires. That stuff is model railway grade.

Sold on trademe "we take the safety of our platform users very


Volker Kuhlmann
http://volker.top.geek.nz/	Please do not CC list postings to me.

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