[chbot] Crypto Mining Facility on TradeMe

Helmut Walle helmut.walle at gmail.com
Sat Mar 4 08:01:05 GMT 2023

One reason might be that the hardware has been becoming obsolete even quicker more recently than 
it used to in the past, as BTC has taken a steep dive and is now worth about a third of what it 
was during its gold rush phase. Surely, a substantial portion of the hardware must be going 
straight into recycling. Now the power consumption of that beast has not gone down, and neither 
have the electricity rates decreased... Note that the description does not mention how much 
energy this actually needs to operate, but if it did it might be straightforward for everyone to 
see that the operation would be running at a loss. The extractor fans give you a bit of an idea 
of how much power the computer hardware uses...
And that is presumably the reason for the sale - it's just not worth it. Beyond the current 
situation, it is still entirely possible that cryptocurrencies could drop further.

Summary: very risky at best, outright lossy at worst.

Kind regards,


On 04/03/2023 12:12, Mark Atherton wrote:
> https://www.trademe.co.nz/a/marketplace/electronics-photography/other-electronics/other/listing/4020908425
> not often that these come up for sale !
> -mark
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