[chbot] Musical keyboard up for grabs.

Stephen Irons stephen at irons.nz
Tue Apr 19 06:21:25 BST 2022

I have been looking for a suitable keyboard with dead innards - 5 
octaves is perfect.

Is it still available? Where and when can we meet to pick it up? I work 
in central Chch, near Ara, 8-ish to 5-ish, or can pick it up almost 
anywhere after hours.

Stephen Irons

On Tue, Apr 19, 2022 at 14:34, hamster <hamster at snap.net.nz> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've got a dead Yamaha NP11 digital keyboard (i.e. Digital Piano) 
> sitting on my bench. Owner plugged in the wrong PSU, and killed the 
> main logic board. it drags the 5V rail down to ~0.5V. It's a few 
> hundred dollars for a replacement PCB, so not worth it.
> I've got the Service Manual PDF with full schematics.
> Does anybody want to divert it from the e-waste stream? There is 
> plenty of room rehouse new innards in the case to house projects...
> Mike

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