[chbot] Polishing 'Sistema' box lid

Daniel Powell danielvieway at hotmail.com
Thu Jan 21 00:51:19 GMT 2021

Novus do a plastic polish kit used for clear plastic modelling. Works well, but is very fine and takes time to get a good finish.


From: Chchrobotics <chchrobotics-bounces at lists.ourshack.com> on behalf of Mark Atherton <markaren1 at xtra.co.nz>
Sent: Thursday, January 21, 2021 1:34:27 PM
To: chchrobotics at lists.ourshack.com <chchrobotics at lists.ourshack.com>
Subject: Re: [chbot] Polishing 'Sistema' box lid

Can you put up a link to the product in question.


On 21/01/2021 12:25 PM, Robin Gilks wrote:
> Greetings all
> I use sandwich boxes on a regular basis for projects because they are
> splash proof, robust (for a few years at least) and easy to get in and out
> of during the development process.
> A couple of projects have used one box, with display, buttons, connectors
> etc inside a larger one that keeps the weather out. These outer ones have
> an almost clear lid which would be great to read the display on the inner
> box were it not for the word "SISTEMA' in raised letters.
> The plastic is quite soft and flexible (to some extent) so the usual trick
> with 'Brasso' doesn't work very well to polish out the letters. No idea
> what sort of plastic it is.
> Any ideas?

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