[chbot] Polishing 'Sistema' box lid

Robin Gilks robin at gilks.org
Wed Jan 20 23:25:11 GMT 2021

Greetings all

I use sandwich boxes on a regular basis for projects because they are
splash proof, robust (for a few years at least) and easy to get in and out
of during the development process.

A couple of projects have used one box, with display, buttons, connectors
etc inside a larger one that keeps the weather out. These outer ones have
an almost clear lid which would be great to read the display on the inner
box were it not for the word "SISTEMA' in raised letters.

The plastic is quite soft and flexible (to some extent) so the usual trick
with 'Brasso' doesn't work very well to polish out the letters. No idea
what sort of plastic it is.

Any ideas?

Robin Gilks

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