[chbot] Kickstarter project ending in 40 hrs- pledge NZ $20 and get CAD files for diy ALIUS, The worlds first desktop CNC vertical Mill, boasting high precision, active vibration damping, flood coolant, air blast

Henry Allison hcf_allison at yahoo.com
Sun Jun 28 03:12:52 BST 2020

Project originator is Liam Katavich from Auckland; I have backed it, and so has someone else from Christchurch (one of you, perhaps?). 
 You build the chassis yourself from RHS filled with epoxy granite, or 3D-printed moulds filled with same, and add what I think is about 
NZ$5000 worth of parts including MASSO controller to get an industrial-grade machine with a more than 300mm cubic work volumecapable of machining steel, etc.   Henry.
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