[chbot] Servo controller

Andrew Errington erringtona at gmail.com
Sat Jul 11 08:39:19 BST 2020

Sorry for the dupe- Ant just signed up on the list but Robin's reply
was sent before he did that, so I am replying to force it to


> I'd be inclined to go digital - PWM with a $2 Arduino is pretty easy and
> you have analog inputs available for feedback.
> I use these to control 24v 250w wheelchair motors I use on my walnut
> washing machine:
> https://www.aliexpress.com/wholesale?catId=0&initiative_id=SB_20200710142707&SearchText=bts7960+bridge
> and an Arduino Nano clone is also pretty cheap:
> https://www.aliexpress.com/wholesale?catId=0&initiative_id=SB_20200710143443&SearchText=arduino+nano
> I have spares of both if you want to try them - I'll not need replacements
> until the next walnut harvest season (assuming anything goes wrong with
> what I have!). I can bring them to the next meeting ;)
> --
> Robin Gilks

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