[chbot] Chock Fish etc.

william fleete fleetwil at gmail.com
Wed Apr 22 03:10:39 BST 2020

> has entries for both ATmega328P and ATmega328PB (and they differ only in
> "signature"). It's just a text file, maybe editing that allows you to
> transplant the 328PB into your avrdude.

I've had to do something like that in mine to get the Arduino IDE to
program the 328pb on some of my projects, I also needed to edit the
boards.txt (make sure to back them up) to change the fuse bits as default
changed some frequencies and affected delays etc.
it's a pain switching the config files around when you use original 328p
boards but I dont think the boards.txt affected the original boards too much

I have found the arduino bootloader may not work properly on the 328pb at
least on my projects, not sure if wiring error, I did base the
pinouts/schematic for those pins on the Nano schematic serial port pins
(ground reset RX TX). IE using the serial port programmer after using "burn
bootloader" doesnt seem to work, (doesnt respond, I may need to update
something, I dont think I have the cutting edge version of arduino editor

there must be a way of adding an entry on the "boards list" to get the
328pb to work without needing to switch config files all the time

On Wed, Apr 22, 2020 at 12:15 AM Volker Kuhlmann <list57 at top.geek.nz> wrote:

> On Tue 21 Apr 2020 13:04:42 NZST +1200, Mark Atherton wrote:
> > However the legacy 'USART_RX_vect' is now called 'USART0_RX_vect'.
> Uggh. One almost has to laugh...
> > Also, AVRDUDE does not know about the PB part, so I had to hard-wire
> > 328P into Makefile.
> avrdude 6.3-20190619, shipped with Arduino IDE 1.8.12, almost certainly
> does know the 328PB.
>   hardware/tools/avr/etc/avrdude.conf
> has entries for both ATmega328P and ATmega328PB (and they differ only in
> "signature"). It's just a text file, maybe editing that allows you to
> transplant the 328PB into your avrdude.
> Volker
> --
> Volker Kuhlmann
> http://volker.top.geek.nz/      Please do not CC list postings to me.
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