[chbot] Willowbank fibre network.

Daniel Powell danielvieway at hotmail.com
Wed Nov 27 03:49:52 GMT 2019

Brett, thank you very much for the offer of assistance (or at least remotely through a friend).
I'm meeting with Dale from Willowbank tomorrow at 10am. Although I'd love to go fibre to the kiwi house I'm thinking a shielded TP might be simpler. 

My problem being I'm not familiar with modern fibre routing (last time I worked with fibre was 20 years ago with slow FDDI rings) and it appears that local ethernet over fibre routers appear to be rare (or my google searches are misguided). 

I'll let chchrobotics know in which direction Willowbank head. 


-----Original Message-----
From: Chchrobotics <chchrobotics-bounces at lists.ourshack.com> On Behalf Of Brett Davidson
Sent: Wednesday, 27 November 2019 9:48 AM
To: chchrobotics at lists.ourshack.com
Subject: Re: [chbot] Willowbank fibre network.


Have you had some success with this project yet?
I myself don't have access to the splicing gear involved but I do know someone who I'm sure would be pleased to help.
If you still need this assistance, contact me off-list and I'll ask him when he's free. :-)


On 20/11/2019 12:25 am, Peter Ellens wrote:
> On 11/20/19 12:01 AM, Andy Gardner wrote:
>> Is fitting a connector on the end as difficult as splicing two fibres 
>> together to lengthen a cable?
> You typically splice "pig tails" on the end of your fiber. They have 
> connectors at one end.
> What you normally have is a big coil on the wall at each end of the 
> filly insulated multi core fiber that is run between buildings. (as it 
> is better to have to much than to little fiber) This is joined to 
> pigtails in a box on the wall. You then run patch cables from that box 
> to your equipment.   (because we where cheap, we didn't use a box, we 
> just ran the pigtails into our gear, but we knew it was physically 
> secure and unlikely to ever be damaged or even touched. Not a 
> recommended practice)
> But I have put connectors on, we made our own patch cables. On large 
> old ST connectors. Its is fiddly.  You strip the fiber bare, fill the 
> connector with epoxy, poke the fiber through the connector (fiber 
> poking out). Wait for it to cure, cleave off the excess fiber a little 
> way from the end and then grind the end down smooth to an optical 
> finish.  It takes a while.... It was all done by hand.
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