[chbot] Willowbank fibre network.
Daniel Powell
danielvieway at hotmail.com
Tue Nov 19 01:49:44 GMT 2019
Andy, thankyou again for the offer of assistance. I'll rerun the line and see how much irrigation and fibre line Willilobank will need. Given a google earth direct run of 77m I would think that there would be no more than 100m would be needed.
I must admit that my knowledge of fibre networks harks back to that of ancient FDDI rings and nothing more recent. Wondered what the recommendations were in terms of fibre routers for ethernet over fibre.
Again thanks to the club and the members that have assisted. I know the group has other projects to assist Willowbank and I know that all assistance there is greatly appreciated.
-----Original Message-----
From: Chchrobotics <chchrobotics-bounces at lists.ourshack.com> On Behalf Of ceo at andygardner.com
Sent: Tuesday, 19 November 2019 2:20 pm
To: chchrobotics at lists.ourshack.com
Subject: Re: [chbot] Willowbank fibre network.
Hi Daniel,
Given the electric fence, probably best to use fibre.
I have two solutions available:
Single mode G657A2 drop cable - 800m roll & 120m roll.
Single mode blowable duct cable - about 4km IIRC.
The drop cable isn't really suited for outdoors (and the other HAS to be inside a duct) so probably a good idea to tee up a donation of some thin PE irrigation pipe from someone to pull the cable through. How long is the run exactly?
I also don't have any single mode SFP's, only a bunch of multimodes.
I'm intending to install attachments on each end of my 75mm PE water main coming from my 3 phase pump out in a paddock so I can blow the fibre through that to get the network out to the pumphouse which is right beside where my 1st radio shack is being built. But I won't need 4km of fibre.
The only other use I have for it would be to install a cladestine fibre run along 1.2km of Orion power poles back to the local Chorus box in order to get off VDSL.
On 19/11/19 1:46 pm, Daniel Powell wrote:
> I've recently been assisting Willowbank to form a small local LAN and trench in a new fibre broadband line.
> We've trenched into the main office and laid a section of cat 6 back to a portacom office from the main office. We're looking to enable network coverage over to the Kiwi House from either this portacom or fibre from the main office.
> To this extent the proposed copper runs above ground alongside an electric fence. I was thinking of running optoisolators at either end of copper, however a generous member of this group has offered fibre to the extent that would satisfy this run. I believe this to be a considerably better solution given the noisy environment.
> Willowbank have nobody to currently terminate this internal line. I wondered if there was someone in this group that could volunteer their services, or offer them for material cost to terminate a single run of fibre.
> Given their very limited current network, the run to the kiwi house would enable video streaming, remote telemetry (with alerts) and data recovery of the incubators, kiwi weights and stop a clear majority of the sneekernet network that is required of the current system.
> Any help appreciated.
> Regards,
> Daniel.
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