[chbot] Shameless plug: BoringPhone

Jasper Mackenzie jasper.mackenzie at gmail.com
Tue Jul 9 10:06:01 BST 2019

Have been a lurker of late.. but realised I hadn't enthused with y'all
on my project!

I have been working with an old school buddy on our KickStarter the
BoringPhone. A non-addictive smartphone.
See https://boringphone.com/

The project is currently funded but we would certainly appreciate more
support. The phone is not for everybody, but for those wanting to
change their phone usage habits it may be a goer. I have to say that
having been using it a while it really does work. I am constantly
disappointed by my phones inability to give me entertainment - this
was me thinking I really was not that dependent on it...

Enjoy 8)


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