[chbot] Stuck on a C++ problem

Robin Gilks robin at gilks.org
Mon Jan 21 00:08:44 GMT 2019

> It's saying that it doesn't know how to convert this:
> { false,false,false,false,0x00,0x00,"Reset Enable" };
> Into one of these:
> std::map<long long unsigned int,CommandAttr>:

This gave me a clue but since this is existing code from github that
supposedly works fine then I had to look a little deeper.

Changing the structure definition from

struct CommandAttr {
        bool AcceptsAddr;
        bool UsesDummyCycles;
        bool HasData;
        bool isWrite;
        int AddressLineMask;
        int DataLineMask;
        char CommandName[128];

struct CommandAttr {
        bool AcceptsAddr;
        bool UsesDummyCycles;
        bool HasData;
        bool isWrite;
        int AddressLineMask;
        int DataLineMask;
        std::string CommandName;

has fixed it - no idea how or why, other than some vague hints from a
StackOverflow item.

I guess its a VisualC++ to g++ issue (only windows libs are on the github
repository so maybe that is that was tested!)

Robin Gilks

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