[chbot] ARM toolchain comparisons for STM32 F0, F1, and F4

Mark Atherton markaren1 at xtra.co.nz
Thu Sep 13 02:25:05 BST 2018

Thanks Charles, Volker.

I ended up with a whole pile of the Eli-Express cheap boards - the first 
lot arrived with protection enabled in such a way that even a genuine 
STLINK programmer couldn't unlock them. Complained to the supplier so 
sent another batch - with the same problem. Ended up having to build a 
special rig to unlock them with some help from an ST app note.

Glad to hear that GCC comes well regarded, sound like I will pursue 
gcc-arm-none-eabi, and try it with Keil IDE. Also glad that it's not me 
with concerns about ST Cube.

Hopefully catch up on Monday, for the ARMstravoganza with Dave Jagger.



On 13/09/2018 10:42 AM, Charles Manning wrote:
> I have used gcc for years for ARM and it works great. Kiel might be 
> slightly better.
> ARM is a major sponsor of  the gcc development effort (Linaro) . That 
> might seem strange, but it makes sense to them and they are
> I've done a few STM32 projects. I use gcc on Linux. I did use the ST 
> Cube thing to rough out the CDC class code, but then moved to 
> Makefiles etc for the rest of the development.
> The ST HAL stuff is poxy bloatware and I only used that for things 
> like USB drivers.
> Most recently, I'm working on a system using an STM32F042 (6k RAM, 32k 
> flash, M0 with no crystal, USB full speed). It works fine. Still heaps 
> of space. That would not be possible using the standard ST HAL stuff.
> Under Ubuntu 16.,04  you can get all you need by getting the binutils 
> and gcc packages for ARM.
> That is unfortunately broken (some screwed up libraries) under 18.04 
> and you'd do better with the gcc-arm-embedded PPA
> https://launchpad.net/~team-gcc-arm-embedded/+archive/ubuntu/ppa 
> <https://launchpad.net/%7Eteam-gcc-arm-embedded/+archive/ubuntu/ppa>
> For debugging I use gdb with openocd (sometimes with ddd).
> I have used many different debugger devices, but I currently use an 
> STLINK V2 most of the time.  $2. Can't go wrong.
> https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1PCS-ST-LINK-Stlink-ST-Link-V2-Mini-STM8-STM32-Simulator-Download-Programmer-Programming-With-Cover/32792513237.html
> I have used that with M0, M1, M3, M4.
> May I also suggest getting a few of these boards for laughs too:
> https://www.aliexpress.com/item/STM32F103C8T6-ARM-STM32-Minimum-System-Development-Board-Module-Forarduino/32342717171.html
> Let me know if you need a blinky project to kick off.
> On Wed, Sep 12, 2018 at 10:27 PM Mark Atherton <markaren1 at xtra.co.nz 
> <mailto:markaren1 at xtra.co.nz>> wrote:
>     Hello all,
>     Does anyone have any experience with the various toolchains out there
>     for the STM32 ?
>     Most of the stuff I do is bare-metal, but am definitely not a fan of
>     stm32cube, or Eclipse.
>     Obvious choices seem to be Keil uVison; the limited code-size
>     trial IDE
>     seems to be excellent. but looks like $$$$ is involved for the
>     professional unlimited versions. I understand that ARM bought Keil a
>     while ago, and that this product is their tool of choice.
>     ARM do have a free toolchain gcc-arm-none-eabi (85MB) available,
>     which
>     seems odd given the conflict of interest with Keil.
>     openSTM32 (owned by ac6) have an open source 'System Workbench for
>     STM32' which seems bulky (!) at over 450MB.
>     Finally, at least the older uVision toolchain appears to allow GCC
>     tools
>     to be installed. Anyone used this combination, if there is no code
>     limit
>     size on their debugger, this would be ideal.
>     Comments, thoughts and experiences please.
>     Thanks,
>     Mark

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