[chbot] ARM toolchain comparisons for STM32 F0, F1, and F4

Mark Atherton markaren1 at xtra.co.nz
Wed Sep 12 11:27:12 BST 2018

Hello all,

Does anyone have any experience with the various toolchains out there 
for the STM32 ?

Most of the stuff I do is bare-metal, but am definitely not a fan of 
stm32cube, or Eclipse.

Obvious choices seem to be Keil uVison; the limited code-size trial IDE 
seems to be excellent. but looks like $$$$ is involved for the 
professional unlimited versions. I understand that ARM bought Keil a 
while ago, and that this product is their tool of choice.

ARM do have a free toolchain gcc-arm-none-eabi (85MB) available, which 
seems odd given the conflict of interest with Keil.

openSTM32 (owned by ac6) have an open source 'System Workbench for 
STM32' which seems bulky (!) at over 450MB.

Finally, at least the older uVision toolchain appears to allow GCC tools 
to be installed. Anyone used this combination, if there is no code limit 
size on their debugger, this would be ideal.

Comments, thoughts and experiences please.



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