[chbot] Battery Cable

Robin Gilks robin at gilks.org
Fri Aug 11 12:40:45 BST 2017

> Can anyone recommend where I can get a 12V starter battery cable made up,
> or alternatively help me make one?
> I'm fitting a 140A Voltage Sensitive Relay for auxiliary battery charging
> and need a cable about 30cm long with an M10 lug crimped on each end. Lugs
> something like these:
> http://nz.element14.com/molex/19221-0241/terminal-compression-lug-3-8in/dp/1857394

I always went to see Dave Hadler when he worked in support @ Tait. Dunno
what happened to all the gear @ 540 but they certainly had both lugs and
cable and the big tool to squeeze them together!!

Failing there, Mainland batteries on Main South Road (almost opposite
George Henry). Auto Electric City on Carmen Road have a few select items
such as 200 amp fuses.

They also sell the lugs at Cory Electrical on the corner of Waterloo Road
and Carmen Road - probably the cable as well and I'm sure you could blag a
demonstration of a crimp tool!!

Robin Gilks

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