[chbot] New to rework temperatures

Marshland Engineering marshland at marshland.co.nz
Mon Dec 12 00:42:39 GMT 2016

I have a reflow oven and been quite successful. (Used the preset programs) 

I made some new boards and I thought I would try my Tenma rework station to
solder the few bits on. I set the temp to 250 deg and heated away. This is
normal leaded solder. Nothing happened, I set my iron to 220 and it soldered
perfectly. So today I tried on a dummy board and increased the temp to 280,
still not much an then 300, Finally it started to work.

I checked the temp of the air with a thermocouple and it is correct. So does
hot air have to be quite a bit hotter to heat the solder to melting point? 

Thanks Wallace.

PS I made a great solder screen using a Coke can and my mill with a engraver
bit. It went really quickly. 

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