[chbot] Contemplating the purchase of a (cheap) inspection microscope

Keith Colson next at pitstock.com
Sun Sep 28 04:09:37 BST 2014

I use magnification a lot and I have 3 main items I use. Here they are

1) Jaycar head mounted magnifier visor. I use this mostly as its quick, 
cheap and convenient.
2) Dentist loupe. these are really handy and you have a 400mm working 
distance which leaves a lot of room.
3) Olympus stereo zoom microscope. This awesome for the really fine 
stuff and it lets you measure stuff too. FYI 10x is too much for a lot 
of work so you really need a microscope that can got to 7x or less for 

I have some dentist loupes mounted on snake flex I can let go cheap if 
you want. Just mount it to your work bench


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