[chbot] Arduino for $3! & link for 2.2 inch touch screen

Volker Kuhlmann list0570 at paradise.net.nz
Mon Oct 20 11:52:18 BST 2014

On Mon 20 Oct 2014 22:11:24 NZDT +1300, Stuart Brown wrote:

Thanks for the info!

>  * Arduino Nano (no headers) -
>    http://www.banggood.com/ATmega328P-Nano-V3-Controller-Board-Compatible-Arduino-p-940937.html
>  * Arduino Nano (with headers and USB cable) -
>    http://www.banggood.com/ATmega328P-Arduino-Compatible-Nano-V3-Improved-Version-With-USB-Cable-p-933647.html

Warning: On both boards they replaced the highly reliable (and
expensive) FTDI chip with some drivel. For the sake of saving $2 I
wouldn't waste my time on it.

> I'd be interested in details for alternative development
> environments you are using

Eclipse. I used 3.7.1 but will try the current 4.4.1 next. Good code
navigation. AVR integration can be a bit fiddly. Good doxygen

Some people swear by codeblocks, I wasn't so impressed.

The only really good build system IMHO is gnu make. Nothing beats a
makefile. You can download mine from my website.

The official IDE is a very good starter, but doesn't really allow you to
use header files properly, change compiler options, or have any kind of
influence on the build process.

> and any good libraries you have come across.

Plenty. However they are all made for a specific purpose, so it depends
on what you want them to do. Start with the official ones included in
the IDE, then look at the ones listed at arduino.cc, then search the



Volker Kuhlmann
http://volker.top.geek.nz/	Please do not CC list postings to me.

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