[chbot] 360 'pan' servo

Geoff sdfgeoff at gmail.com
Thu Feb 13 08:08:31 GMT 2014

Why not just have a 2:1 gear ratio on the output shaft and leave the
innards as they are?

On Thu, Feb 13, 2014 at 5:40 PM, Mark Atherton <markaren1 at xtra.co.nz> wrote:

> http://www.sentex.ca/~mec1995/gadgets/servos/servomod.html
> ???
> see you Mon
> -Mark
> At 05:32 p.m. 13/02/2014, you wrote:
>> Greetings all
>> I've decided that since I have an unused USB port on one of my hacked
>> routers that I'd put a webcam onto it to stream data back to the house
>> (llamacam!!). Not worth doing unless I make it more complicated than it
>> needs to be so I want to pan the camera without spending 100's of $$$
>> getting one that will do it for me (and will have a Windross only
>> interface to boot). So I'm thinking an Arduino onto a shared USB hub with
>> the camera and use that to drive the pan servo.
>> I'm thinking direct drive so the servo needs to run through 360 degrees
>> (or close to). Again to keep the price down I'm thinking modding a
>> standard 180deg one and then use a bit of intelligence in the Arduino to
>> handle 'goto' commands that pass beyond the end stops
>> Is there a simple way of doing this without using an external pot thats
>> geared down 2:1?
>> Maybe discuss more at the meeting on Monday.
>> Cheers
>> --
>> Robin Gilks
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