[chbot] Cheap Xilinx/Altera/Lattice FPGA programmer with Saleae logic analyser functionality (5 in 1 unit).

Volker Kuhlmann list0570 at paradise.net.nz
Sun May 26 09:37:51 BST 2013

On Sun 26 May 2013 18:41:17 NZST +1200, Yani Dubin wrote:

Thank you for the details on this device.

The Saleae is very good, and has a reputation for its software. Although
the software is a free download, it is paid for with the purchase of the
analyser hardware.

It is extremely cheeky of the Chinese to reverse engineer the analyser
hardware (or design something compatible) and to sell this as "Saleae",
while expecting you to use the software from Saleae. There is mentioning
of this on Salaea's website. It is up to you whether you want to
actively participate in this scam.

There are no issues with using this thing as an FPGA programmer of
course, when those companies sell a chip, they've already been paid for
its programming software that is included in the devloper software.


Volker Kuhlmann
http://volker.dnsalias.net/	Please do not CC list postings to me.

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