[chbot] MIDI over USB for nanoKONTROL2 control surface

David Churcher davechcr at dchurcher.com
Mon Apr 1 09:11:29 BST 2013

Hi Mark,

You can get some information back by sending it MIDI sysex messages, but 
it looks like it will only dump the current scene configuration, which 
isn't (as I understand it) the current position of the sliders. The MIDI 
implementation doc is here: 
http://www.korg.co.uk/support/downloads/nano_dl.php in 
nano_MIDI_implementation.zip, and there is some Python code for sending 
and reading scenes using sysex on 

If the Korg editor software can read the current position of the sliders 
then there's a chance that there's an undocumented message that will do 
it, otherwise I don't think it's possible. In software you can either 
just jump the controlled parameter to the fader position as soon as 
someone moves it, or wait until they move the fader to the current 
parameter position before changing the parameter, as in this video:


On 01/04/2013 14:39, Mark Atherton wrote:
> Hi All,
> Hopefully someone here can save me some work digging around for a 
> solution to this question:
> I am building a small wireless interface for a KORG nanoKONTROL2 
> MIDI-over-USB control surface. The system is based on a Microchip 
> dsPIC device with USB host port, so far so good; everything works as 
> expected in terms of controlling LEDs on the control surface, and 
> reading back sliders, knobs etc. as Control Change messages.
> As an example, after moving a slider, a message is received like 0x0B, 
> 0xB0, 0x02, 0x78 -- Cable 0, Control Change, Address 2, Data 0x78, etc.
> I need to be able to read the whole control surface at power up, so 
> for example I need to know how to interrogate slider 2, to find it's 
> current position without moving it.
> Any ideas how I go about doing this will be appreciated, or a more 
> appropriate forum.
> Thanks,
> Mark

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