[chbot] Links and details from last nights meeting.

Richard Jones rjtp at ihug.co.nz
Mon May 21 21:27:26 BST 2012

Here is a link to last nights photos, feel free to email the list with
missing details, questions and more info:


For those interested in the RTL2832 and EL4000 USB $20 receiver that I
showed here is the info:
one supplier
http://www.sbrac.org/files/build-gnuradio # install and build script for
ubuntu and fedora linux
http://www.sbrac.org/files/*multimode*.*grc # multimode receiver nbfm, am,
ssb*, broadcast FM...
Sadly no data sheets on the chips yet. RTL2832 provides 8Bit IQ samples
EL4000 tunes from 64MHz-1.7GHz.

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