[chbot] Antoids tins

Hadley Rich hads at nice.net.nz
Thu Jan 5 21:01:14 GMT 2012

On 06/01/12 09:49, Mark Beckett wrote:
> Seems Hadley has them.
> https://nicegear.co.nz/electronics-gear/altoids-gum-sized-tin/

These are actually the smaller gum sized tins, used for MintyBoost kits 
from Adafruit. Part of a bunch of new products that I need to add to our 

They aren't super cheap because of the International freight eluded to 
earlier in the thread but they are there for those that want them.

Also have access to the larger mint sized tins too but not any in the 
country right now.


Open Source & Hobby Electronics

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