[chbot] A possible challenge

Robin Gilks robin at gilks.org
Mon Oct 10 09:23:06 BST 2011


I'm just starting to put together the specs for a challenge to make a
walnut picker-upper - nuts in NZ are picked from the ground having dropped
naturally rather than the tree being shaken - it avoids having to remove
the husk.

So far I have the following criteria:

 * cover 1 acre of ground in 0.5 days, repeating for about 5 weeks
 * avoid trees and irrigation nozzles (tricky as that is where most of the
nuts land)
 * return 'home' to empty and recharge. Not sure about the total load
expected from an acre but during the 0.5 day cycle it would only be a few
 * recharge can be by battery exchange or refilling with
diesel/unobtainium to reduce turn-around time

Up to the next meeting I'll assemble some pictures of manual devices that
may be adaptable.

You may have guessed that I'm not thinking at toy level here :)

Robin Gilks

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