[chbot] Interesting presentations at our next meetings

Volker Kuhlmann list0570 at paradise.net.nz
Sat May 28 02:49:07 BST 2011

On Wed 25 May 2011 22:50:09 NZST +1200, Richard Jones wrote:

> Topic List for Chch Robotics Presentations.

I add my votes:

1. Picaxe toolchain demo + +-[1]
2. Building a hexapod and making it move. + -
3. JTAG ice debugging for AVRs + ++-[1]
4. How to use One wire devices +
5. Controlling Lego Mindstorms from Android phones.
     Lego -  Android control +
6. Fly Fishing + J R Hartley ??

[1] "-" if software is not open source and only runs on a particular
operating system. "+ or ++" otherwise.

I would be very interested in using an AVR JTAG connection for
debugging [1]. The printf method has its limits. Cost is less of an
issue, but < $fewhundred would be a bonus.


Volker Kuhlmann
http://volker.dnsalias.net/	Please do not CC list postings to me.

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