[chbot] Choc fish challenege 3 - Completely OT!)

hamster hamster at snap.net.nz
Wed Aug 31 01:18:19 BST 2011

On Wed, 31 Aug 2011 10:04:43 +1200, Hanno Sander <hanno at mydancebot.com>

> The only part of the queens problem that lends itself to parallel
> programming is checking to see if a solution is valid.

It is very non-parallel, but couldn't an 8 cog system have each cog search
with the queen at different spot on the top row? (ie. one of
(0,0),(0,1),(0,2)... (0,7)). 

For anybody who hasn't twigged, the search space isn't 64!/56! (7e+74)
that you get if you out 8 queens anywhere on the board and test for
correctness, or even 8^8 1.6e7 if you place a queen on each row and test.

It's only 8! = 40,320, and that works out as 5,040 test per cog....


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