[chbot] Vex Robotics Thursday 20th May 2010 7-9.30pm

Richard Jones rjtp at ihug.co.nz
Mon May 17 08:17:07 BST 2010

Chris Hamling is coming to Christchurch this week and will present details
of the Vex National Schools Robotics Competition at a meeting from 7-9.30pm
on Thursday 20th May 2010. Venue is to be confirmed, probably in the CII
building at 200 Armagh Street. For further details have a look at the Vex
web site http://vexrobotics.co.nz

All welcome, especially those interested in entering the competition as
students, teachers interested in setting up teams, those willing to act as
mentors or help out organising or running the competition on the day,
industry sponsors and anyone else I have left out! No doubt there will be a
gold coin collection towards the use of the room.


What is VEX?

How does it work?

Why is New Zealand the best in the world?

What do mentors do?

How can companies get involved?

Does it fit in the education system?
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