[chbot] Cool test tool. Would anyone else want one?

Paul Davey plmdvy at gmail.com
Fri Jun 11 23:24:53 BST 2010

On Fri, Jun 11, 2010 at 8:13 PM, Carl Ranson <carl.ranson at gmail.com> wrote:
> This guys version is even nicer.
> http://benryves.com/journal/3632205
> There's a short vid with a demo of the various functions.
> CR
> On 11/06/2010 8:31 a.m., Richard Jones wrote:
>> Jimmy makes a good point. I too would be interested in building one,
>> but don't think I'm going to find the time to figure out pic
>> programming.
>> So thanks Carl, looks like a fun thing to make. Please add my name to the list.
>> Richard Jones
>> On Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 8:39 PM, jimmy allen<jimmy1248 at gmail.com>  wrote:
>>> That looks really good.Would build one myself but I don't have any
>>> means of programming PICs.
>>> Group project sound good and would be interested my self.
>>> Jimmy
>>> On 6/6/10, Carl Ranson<carl.ranson at gmail.com>  wrote:
>>>> Hey team,
>>>> I noticed the following site in my travels:
>>>> http://members.cox.net/berniekm/super.html
>>>> Its a test probe that has 17 different functions based around a pic and
>>>> a few other components.
>>>> I was thinking i might build a couple for myself but if there's
>>>> sufficent interest it might turn into a group project.
>>>> CR

I would be interested too, however if possible i would like to use
some of the dspic30s that i have aquired over time so perhaps one of
them could be used to make a much more versatile probe at the cost of
needing redesign.

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