[chbot] Urbi

Richard Jones rjtp at ihug.co.nz
Sun Jul 11 01:18:26 BST 2010

I received the email below from the Homebrew Robotics Club list. Looks
quite interesting,,,,


Dear all,

We are happy to announce the release of Urbi 2 in an Open Source GNU
A-GPL v3 license, available right now on http://www.urbiforge.org

Urbi is a C++ middleware for robotics, developed from 6 years out of the
Cognitive Robotics Lab of ENSTA ParisTech, and then by the Gostai
spin-off company. Urbi has a large community and is now compatible with
several robots including Nao, Aibo, Spykee, Segway RMP, Pioneer, Lego
Mindstorm, Bioloid, Wifibot, Pekee II, iCub (soon), and the Webots

Urbi includes UObject, a distributed C++ component architecture, and
urbiscript, a concurrent and event-driven orchestration script language.
The latest version of urbiscript is efficient and based on state of the
art language approaches combining inspiration from OCaml, Io, Self and
Python, with a familiar C-like syntax.

The forthcoming 2.1 release of Urbi SDK will include ROS compatibility
and integration, which will allow Urbi users to benefit from existing
ROS components.

More information about Urbi here:

More about the open source initiative:

Link to download:

Best regards,

Jean-Christophe Baillie
Gostai CEO

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