[chbot] Registration for Lego NXT session, 9 seats left

Richard Jones rjtp at ihug.co.nz
Tue Nov 18 19:22:35 GMT 2008

It is just four weeks to our next robotics meeting to be held on Wed 17th
December 6.30pm Science Alive.
There are just 9 seats left for the Lego NXT hands on session at 6.30pm ($4
per seat). Email me if you would like me to add your name to the list.

We'll hold a normal show and tell at 7.30pm in the Seminar Room for those
who are not attending the Lego nxt hands on session.

Registered so far are:

1. Richard Jones

2. Jane Jones

3. Howard Amos

4. Rosemarie Amos

5. Hanno Sander 

6. Katana Dunn 

7,8,9 Andrew, Matt, Samuel Miller 

10,11 Steve Martin 

12-21 Jill Pears Family, Friends and Colleagues 

See http://www.kiwibots.org for the up to date list

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