[chbot] Code for Ultrasonic Range Finder Demo

Richard Jones rjtp at ihug.co.nz
Thu Feb 21 11:03:20 GMT 2008

Carl, (And anyone else who may be interested)

I have pasted the code for the Ultrasonic TX/RX with Scope display on the
web site:


Copy the code and paste it into the Parallax tool and all should be well.
Just in case you have probs with utf8 circuit diagram, I've pasted it below
as well.
Good luck

Richard Jones

' Propeller Ultrasonic Send and Receive with display on a VGA Monitor
' by Richard Jones rjtp at ihug.co.nz
' V1.0 18th February 2008
' This program uses the Propeller Proto Board
' The ultrasonic sender is energised briefly at the beginning of the scope
' The ultrasonic receive signal is digitized and the samples are displayed
on a VGA monitor, just like
' an oscilloscope with trigger from the emitted pulse.
' This program is based on the Microphone to VGA demo from Parallax.
'               ┳ +3v3
'              1n
'   P0 ─────────╋   0.1u
'          5k6  ┣────┐                            
'   P1 ───────╋     │  Receiver        Sender  \
'              1n  O| MA40A3R         MA40A3S  []
'               │     │  MuRata          MuRata  /
'           0v ─┻─────┻─  
'        A-D Convertor                               Sender
'   Note 1. R & C's must be v close to propellor pins.
'   Note 2. Ultrasonic sender and receiver from Surplustronics in Auckland
'   Note 3. A->D conversion details may be found here:

  _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x
  _xinfreq = 5_000_000

  tiles    = vga#xtiles * vga#ytiles
  tiles32  = tiles * 32
  apin_sonic     = 6  ' ultrasonic output pin a
  bpin_sonic     = 7  ' ultrasonic output pin b (in antiphase to a)


  vga : "vga_512x384_bitmap"


  long  sync, pixels[tiles32]
  word  colors[tiles], ypos[512]

PUB start | i

  'start vga
  vga.start(16, @colors, @pixels, @sync)

  'init colors to cyan on black
  repeat i from 0 to tiles - 1
    colors[i] := $3C00

  'fill top line so that it gets erased by COG
  longfill(@pixels, $FFFFFFFF, vga#xtiles)

  'implant pointers and launch assembly program into COG
  asm_pixels := @pixels
  asm_ypos := @ypos
  cognew(@asm_entry, 0)


' At 80MHz the ADC sample resolutions and rates are as follows:
' sample   sample               
' bits       rate               
' ----------------              
' 9       156 KHz               
' 10       78 KHz               
' 11       39 KHz               
' 12     19.5 KHz               
' 13     9.77 KHz               
' 14     4.88 KHz               
  bits = 9                     'try different values from table here
  attenuation = 0               'try 0-4

  averaging = 13                '2-power-n samples to compute average with


' Assembly program

asm_entry     mov       dira,asm_dira_us                'make pin p1 (ADC)

              movs      ctra,#0                         'POS W/FEEDBACK
mode for CTRA
              movd      ctra,#1
              movi      ctra,#%01001_000
              mov       frqa,#1

              mov       xpos,#0
              mov       asm_cnt,cnt                     'prepare for
              add       asm_cnt,asm_cycles

:loop         waitcnt   asm_cnt,asm_cycles              'wait for next CNT
value (timing is determinant after WAITCNT)

              mov       asm_sample,phsa                 'capture PHSA and
get difference
              sub       asm_sample,asm_old
              add       asm_old,asm_sample

              add       average,asm_sample              'compute average
periodically so that
              djnz      average_cnt,#:avgsame           'we can 0-justify
              mov       average_cnt,average_load
              shr       average,#averaging
              mov       asm_justify,average
              mov       average,#0                      'reset average for
next averaging

              max       peak_min,asm_sample             'track min and max
peaks for triggering
              min       peak_max,asm_sample
              djnz      peak_cnt,#:pksame
              mov       peak_cnt,peak_load
              mov       x,peak_max                      'compute min+12.5%
and max-12.5%
              sub       x,peak_min
              shr       x,#3
              mov       trig_min,peak_min
              add       trig_min,x
              mov       trig_max,peak_max
              sub       trig_max,x
              mov       peak_min,bignum                 'reset peak
              mov       peak_max,#0
              cmp       xpos, #0 wz
        if_nz jmp       #:not_start
              ' Initiate Output of a few cycles at 40kHz on apin and
inverted on bpin
'              mov       dira,asm_dira_us                'set ultasonic
pins to output       
              mov       phsb, #0
              mov       frqb, asm_frqb
              mov       ctrb, asm_ctrb
:not_start    cmp       xpos, #$20 wz
        if_nz jmp        #:not_end
'              mov       dira,asm_dira_oc                'set ultasonic
pins to open circuit       
              mov       ctrb, #0 ' disable 40kHz output pins

:not_end      mov       mode,#1                         'flag pulse sent
              sub       asm_sample,asm_justify          'justify sample to
bitmap center y
              sar       asm_sample,#attenuation         'this # controls
attenuation (0=none)
              add       asm_sample,#384 / 2
              mins      asm_sample,#0
              maxs      asm_sample,#384 - 1

              mov       x,xpos                          'xor old pixel off
              shl       x,#1
              add       x,asm_ypos
              rdword    y,x                             'get old pixel-y
              wrword    asm_sample,x                    'save new pixel-y
              mov       x,xpos
              call      #plot

              mov       x,xpos                          'xor new pixel on
              mov       y,asm_sample
              call      #plot

              add       xpos,#1                         'increment x
position and mask
              and       xpos,#$1FF wz
if_nz         jmp       #:loop
              mov       mode,#0                         'if rollover, reset
mode for trigger
              mov       xpos,#0

              jmp       #:loop                          'wait for next
sample period
' Plot
plot          mov       asm_mask,#1                     'compute pixel mask
              shl       asm_mask,x
              shl       y,#6                            'compute pixel
              add       y,asm_pixels
              shr       x,#5
              shl       x,#2
              add       y,x
              rdlong    asm_data,y                      'xor pixel
              xor       asm_data,asm_mask
              wrlong    asm_data,y

plot_ret      ret                            
' Data
asm_cycles    long      |< bits - 1                     'sample time
'asm_cycles    long      380                     'sample time
asm_dira_us   long      $000002c2                       'output mask p0=adc
ip,p1=adc op, p6,p7 ultrasonic output
asm_dira_oc   long      $00000200
asm_pixels    long      0                               'pixel base (set at
asm_ypos      long      0                               'y positions (set
at runtime)
average_cnt   long      1
peak_cnt      long      1
peak_load     long      512
mode          long      0
bignum        long      $FFFFFFFF
average_load  long      |< averaging

asm_frqb      long      $8000_0000 / 1000 'Set FRQ so PHS[xx] toggles
asm_ctrb      long      ( %00101_000 << 23 ) + ( bpin_sonic << 9 ) +
apin_sonic 'Establish mode and APIN / BPIN
asm_time      long      0
asm_delay     long      10

asm_justify   res       1
trig_min      res       1
trig_max      res       1
average       res       1
asm_cnt       res       1
asm_old       res       1
asm_sample    res       1
asm_mask      res       1
asm_data      res       1
xpos          res       1
x             res       1
y             res       1
peak_min      res       1
peak_max      res       1

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