[chbot] Robot parts and a few others
Steve West
Wed, 11 Apr 2007 15:44:55 +1200 (NZST)
Hi Guys
Seems Ill be moving up north in a while and its time to get rid of some of
the supplys ive accumulated over the years.
Most of this stuff was colleted for robotics works so you guys may be
interested. If you are interested in any or all of this please email me
directley and we can sort someting out :) List of stuff below
1x Pic programmer and 6 pics/xtals
1x AVR HotChip cable/software etc
3x DC Motors about 70mmx45mmD
Stepper Motors (Few of these all 6 wire)
2x 55mm x 60mmD 12v 0.42A 1.8deg step
2x 40mm x 50mmD Gearhead 1/50 12V
3x 40mm x 40mmD Gearhead 1/30
3x 35mm x 40mm sq 12v 1.8deg stp
5x 20mm x 35mmD 12v 7.5deg stp
Electronic components in wall storgae boxes
These are estimate nos
Transistors all types sig/ger/pwr etc about 500 to 1000
resistors mostley 1/4w about 2000
capicitors all sorts bout 500
Diodes all sorts bout 500
lots of connectors leds displays
Chips all dil mostley digital or power switching bout 500 to 1000
Lots of other stuff too much to list
get back to me if you want to know more all the best
Steve West