[chbot] Modding servos, atmel prototype boards?
Sat, 23 Sep 2006 08:33:27 +1200
Synco Reynders wrote:
> Someone mention Atmel prototype boards???
> - I've got a handful of ATmega128's (MLF package) that have gone funny while
> reprogramming. (it occurs when the supply is more than 4V (3.3V part) yet the
> parts are spec'ed to 6V) So I've been meaning to track the problem down yet
> can't solder on the pins so need a proto-type board that breaks-out the
> important pins. Anyone got any PCB using a ATmega128 MLF package??
Yep I have a STK501.
What sort of problem does it cause? A incorrectly set config fuse can
stop them working. If thats the case an erase using the parallel method
of programming should sort them out.